The Widex Hearing Aids is just one of the hundreds of hearing model manufacturers on the market today.
This company has a very positive reputation and is well known for its high quality hearing device technology. Widex Hearing Aids is an industry leader in manufacturing and development. The Danish company was founded in the year 1956 and has continued to this day to manufacture quality hearing aids.
This company offers a very wide range of models of hearing units including the BTE (behind the ear), the ITE (in the ear), the ITC (in the canal), and the CIC (completely in the canal). Most of the models that Widex Hearing Aids offers are models that you have probably hear of if you have been searching online and looking at different types of hearing devices.
Some of the Widex models that you are probably familiar with are:
1. Senso Diva
2. Senso P
3. Bravo
4. A Series
The most advanced Widex Hearing Aids is probably the Senso Diva. This model is offered in many different types and styles depending on exactly what you need. The Diva deals with disruptive background noise by suppressing it with the DNRSIS (Diva Noise Reduction Speech Intensification System). Also this model features additional technological benefits including the FCS (Feedback Canceling System) and the OM (Occlusion Manager). This model even features something for music lovers which is the DMP (Diva Music Program) which was designed specifically to increase the enjoyment of listening to music.
The Widex Hearing Aids is definitely one that should be considered. The only drawback is price. Widex hearing devices are very high quality but they are also very high priced. If you are on a budget you could consider a disposable unit (you must have a prescription) or a sound amplification device (no prescription needed). Both of these economical options can be had for less than $50.
This company has a very positive reputation and is well known for its high quality hearing device technology. Widex Hearing Aids is an industry leader in manufacturing and development. The Danish company was founded in the year 1956 and has continued to this day to manufacture quality hearing aids.
This company offers a very wide range of models of hearing units including the BTE (behind the ear), the ITE (in the ear), the ITC (in the canal), and the CIC (completely in the canal). Most of the models that Widex Hearing Aids offers are models that you have probably hear of if you have been searching online and looking at different types of hearing devices.
Some of the Widex models that you are probably familiar with are:
1. Senso Diva
2. Senso P
3. Bravo
4. A Series
The most advanced Widex Hearing Aids is probably the Senso Diva. This model is offered in many different types and styles depending on exactly what you need. The Diva deals with disruptive background noise by suppressing it with the DNRSIS (Diva Noise Reduction Speech Intensification System). Also this model features additional technological benefits including the FCS (Feedback Canceling System) and the OM (Occlusion Manager). This model even features something for music lovers which is the DMP (Diva Music Program) which was designed specifically to increase the enjoyment of listening to music.
The Widex Hearing Aids is definitely one that should be considered. The only drawback is price. Widex hearing devices are very high quality but they are also very high priced. If you are on a budget you could consider a disposable unit (you must have a prescription) or a sound amplification device (no prescription needed). Both of these economical options can be had for less than $50.